I'd have to say that I'm a big fan of Sam Raimi's films, I love his Evil Dead Trilogy, think Crimewave is great fun, and really like Darkman and The Quick and the Dead, I can't recall much about the film For Love of the Game, I really need to watch it again. A Simple Plan and The Gift were a real change of direction for him. I did like Spiderman and thought Spiderman 2 was fun, but I didn't rate the 3rd one at all. I think spending $300 Million on Spiderman 3 was ludicrous and I'd prefer to see him get back to doing something a little more low budget again. Glad to hear Sam is getting back into doing horror film's next with Drag me to Hell starring Alison Lohman.
I agree...the previews to Spiderman 3 made me ill. I never saw it. I really liked The Quick and the Dead, but I had to vote for Army of Darkness...
Evil Dead II all the way for me!
(Allen, you should rent Spidey3.... you thought the PREVIEW was bad?! LOL)
Being a massive Spidey fan, 2 was - for me - the one where they got it all exactly right.
You're right about 3 though - a heartbreaking mess.
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