16 December 1917 – 18 March 2008
It's a real shame that only
2001: A Space Odyssey and it's sequel
2010 are the only films made from the work of Arthur C Clarke.
Rendezvous with Rama has been in production for a lot of years now, on and off with David Fincher slated to direct, and various other stories such as
A Fall of Moondust and
Childhood's End have been rumored or started early production. In this age of sequels and remakes I wish Hollywood and other filmmakers would turn to the material of authors like Clarke instead of rehashing old ideas again and again.
Better to have one film of real quality credited to your name than a whole host of inferior cash-ins, at least creatively speaking. Together with "Blade Runner", "2001: A Space Odyssey" remains cinema's finest science fiction achievement, regardless of personal favourites.
I remember going to see the film, with my Mum, in the late Sixties and thereafter following the comic strip, loosely based on it, in "Countdown" (successor to "TV21") during the early Seventies.
I have very fond memeories of watching The Mysterious World of Arthur C Clarke when I was a kid... the crystal skull in the opening credits used to really freak me out! Sad to hear of his death.
Clark is the Godfather of modern science fiction. He's always made science accesible and inspiring. He shall be missed.
He was the author who got me hooked on reading when I was a kid. Prior to that you couldn't get me near a book. He shall be sorely missed.
I was saddened to hear the news of Artur C Clarke's death. He was a true giant in the world of Science Fiction writing.2001:A Space Odyssey was and still is a huge triumph for Clarke and Kubrick. I hope eventually that some of his other books are filmed with the same sort of intelligence that 2001 was.
I too thought that 2001 was/is one of the all time best movies/books of the genre ever. I liked his RAMA series too...however, I thought that 3001 was one of the worst books I've ever read. If you have not read it, don't. Remember him for his other fine works.
With all of the crap coming out of horrywood, perhaps maybe someone will look to real authors (CLarke, Asimov, etc) as was mentioned, sorta, by moonwatcher.
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