In November 2006 I did a post called
Which Jabba is worse ? In which I compared the Jabba from 1997
Star Wars: Special Edition with the one from the 2004 DVD. I think these High-Def grabs from
Cinemax show just how piss poor the 2004 replacement was to what was already a pretty crap CG Jabba.

And yet the Jabba from
The Phantom Menace which was 5 years earlier is still miles better than both other CG ones.

On a side note all versions of
Return of the Jedi still have a few annoying shots were Palpatine is in focus but the background is out of focus, yet the stars through the windows are in focus still. I'm surprised this wasn't picked up back in 1983 when they were actually putting the opticals together, and if not you'd have assumed it would have been an easy fix for any of the other versions that have been tinkered with over the years.

And I've mentioned it on this blog before,that black smudge at the side of Palaptine's hood is still there even in the Hi-Def Cinemax versions, It's so obvious everybody knows about it and has become known over the years as the Emperors Slug, but nobody can be arsed to fix it.
That black smudge has been pissing me off for YEARS!
I honestly feel like the JABBA that is in the remastered "A New Hope" crap fest looks like a turd that the Jedi Jabba may have passed after eating one too many Jawas...just an observation.
it's the funny see through light sabres that bug me on the dvds
How come they can show Star Wars in High-Def yet they aren't on High-Def or Blue-Ray yet then ?
And you're right,that Jabba does suck big time.
As far as I know there's no sign of High-Def or Blue Ray releases of the Star Wars films yet, these showings are a thing called Cinemax,some movie channel.
I got it! I got it! Jabba had himself cloned and these are Jabbas at different times in his life cycle. The emperor liked Jabba so much, because the fat slug reminded him of his third wife Doo Poo, that he bought a new born Jabba clone and tried to hide his affection for the little sucker by tucking him under his cloak. See, now (just like Owen, Brew and Ben's fantastical rapid aging of 40 years in a matter of 18 years) it all makes sense...right?
the Emperors Slug.
Great name for a band. That blobby thing has always confused me, it's so gnarly.
I think if he does another edition he should throw the FX work out to the fans to see who can come up with the best Jabba, I'm sure they can top the work ILM did on the other 2 !!
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