I found a site the other day which was doing some comparisons between the various editions of the
Star Wars films, what struck me was just how bad the CGI Jabba was that they used to replace the equally as bad CGI Jabba from the 1997 Special Editions... but which Jabba is worse ? They're both shockingly bad in my opinion, and the scene should never have been put back in, especially since most of Jabba's dialogue in this sequence just recalls what Greedo said to Han in the cantina in the earlier scene.
Oh My! I'd forgotten how bad they were. In my opinion the later one is worse as it cost 30 times more than the 1997 one. You could of done better for a fiver.
that kind of decision making process was very reminiscent of our last presidential election...
...and of course,they could have just rented Chet from "Weird Science"...
I agree, both Jabba's are unspeakably bad. They attempted to make the new Jabba look more like the Jedi version, but as bad as the first digital Jabba is, it does seem actually be in the scene. At least compared to the second one. Either way, I wish they were both scorched from my memory.
the 1997 is leagues worse. but we're comparing turd to turd. the entire scene should have stayed buried. it diminshes both Han and Jabba as characters.
They are both bad. Nothing beats practical lighting/effects. The puppet kicks the crap out of both of em! It would have been cool if they combined digital with practical. The combination of the two works great...can anyone say "Slither"? If you have not seen this film, you should check it out!
Not only does Jabba pretty much repeat what Greedo says in the earlier scene but also, in the original trilogy we didn't see Jabba till 'Jedi'. Up until then he was just spoken about and that added a great deal to his character and to expectations... expectations that were wonderfully fulfilled IMO by a puppet, not CG.
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