à la Eragon, Harry Potter, Narnia 2 etc... If it wasn't as good as Lord of the Rings I'm sure there would be a backlash against him, just as lot of people were dissapointed with aspects of King Kong. Fantasy films might be out of vogue by the time New Line/MGM release The Hobbit but they're only thinking of the money, it will be interesting to see who makes this and what it will be like without the team that made the Lord of the Rings. Only time will tell but who ever takes up the Directors job they've an awful lot to live up to.
Yikes. Big shoes to fill!
Let's hope that its all just Hollywood bluff and brinkmanship...
Mind you, depite my loyalty to PJ (how can I be otherwise?) I think I'd go and see a version of THE HOBBIT helmed by Sam Rami...
I don't see how PJ could have gone wrong.
Big shoes indeed.
Now I must get back to my burgling.
Along with Peter Jackson comes the entire team from LOTR. It's not just a director's shoes to fill. Sure anyone could make the Hobbit, but it would be like a new team of people making the Star Wars prequels instead of Lucas, ILM and the returning cast. Would they have been better? Maybe. But it sure wouldn't as authentic.
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