Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Poll Results

So the overall winner of the Favourite Star Trek Film poll was Star Trek 2:The Wrath of Khan with 14 votes, closely followed by Star Trek: The Motion Picture with 11. Not much of a surprise which films got zero votes.


allen etter said...

I bought the last ST movie because I had not seen it in the theater (a first for my Dad and I who had seen every ST movie since the first in the theater)...we ended up watching it in a small 20 seater theater at the University back when I had keys to sneak into the place. I was always bothered by the stupid death of DATA and the lack of soul to the movie. The story idea was cool, but there was something lacking. Then I listened to the Director's commentary. He outright stated that he had scenes that he knew die hard ST fans would like, but he simply decided not to put them in...WHAT?!?! Any way, glad ST2 won, it ties with First Contact in my opinion.

Michael Grant Clark said...

Yup, the next gen movies really did bite the devil's nob.

Funny that a crew from short lived series in the sixties is still the best one.

Niel Bushnell said...

Having recently bought Battlestar Galactica 1980 on DVD I thought it was interesting how similar its premise and plot devices was to Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. Its got time travel, humans with high technology but no concept of earth customs or humour, invisible spaceships in parks, breakthrough formulas given to scientists, etc. Yet one is almost universally ridiculed while the other is the highest grossing Trek film to date. Don't get me wrong, I know BSG 1980 has its flaws aplenty but I just found it very interesting how similar its core concepts were to ST:IV. Just goes to show what you can do by changing a few things here and there. Can you imagine Captain Kirk on a flying motor bike?

Old Cheeser said...

Yaaaay! Shows that most people have exquisite good taste.

I. N. J. Culbard said...