George Lucas, Harrison Ford and Steven Spielberg on the set of
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, due for release May 22nd 2008 in both the US and the UK.

Shia LaBeouf and Karen Allen as Mutt Williams and Marion Ravenwood in what looks like the warehouse from the end of
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Cate Blanchett as Russian Agent Spalko, could be the new Rosa Klebb, only a lot better looking :)
Great photos, that does look a lot like the warehouse.
Cate's nice..... Uniform!
Cate Blanchett looks great.Fingers crossed that this will be a great Indy movie.
I want to this be good... I just can't shake the feeling it'll be another Attack Of The Clones...
Rol I'm sure even at worst it can't be that bad...can it ?!
I think it'll rock. But here's a question...is Mutt supposed to be Indy's kid? There was a rumor floating around about that.
There's talk that Mutt will take over as the main hero in further Indy movies that they're planning, I suppose to get a younger audience in.
So that makes for a strong chance that he is Indy's son.
Attack of the Clones!!?!?! LALALALALALA! Can't hear you.
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