This restoration is a few years old now, but every time I watch the film it amazes me just how great it looks. The left hand side grabs are from the 1999 DVD release by Eureka and the right hand side grabs from the 2003 release also by Eureka.

Not only is the picture quality tons better but the framing is vastly superior as the 1999 version seems to have cropped quite a lot of picture. Just look at the first pic of the workers or the third pic of the workers on the machine for examples of this. It's amazing how much more you can see in the shots to detail wise. Now for me this is what film restoration is all about. Still amazing how great the FX work is in this 1927 film also.

IMDB says: Adjusting for inflation, the budget for
Metropolis ran around $200 million (June, 2007).
I had no idea it was rereleased. I gotta get me a copy! BTW, I posted the day-for-late-evening shot you sent it does look better.
Gotta add that to my wish list!
It's well worth getting, it's a great set !
Oh boy,that looks like a new movie compared to the old version. I may have to put this DVD on my Crimbo list. Cheers for posting this Andrew.
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