One of Bennett's best scenes !
Arius: Mr. Bennett, my soldiers are patriots.
Bennett: Your soldiers are nothing. Matrix and I can kill every one of them [click] in the blink of an eye. Remember that.
Arius: Are you trying to... frighten me?
Bennett: I don't have to try. When Matrix finishes the job, he'll be back for his daughter. Now whether she's alive or dead doesn't matter. Then he'll be after you. Now the only thing between Matrix and you, is me.
Arius: It is you that is afraid, Mr. Bennett. YOU are afraid of Matrix.
Bennett: Of course. I'm smart. But I have an edge; I have his daughter.
Long live Vernon Wells :)
Dont forget Mad Max 2 and that crazy mohawk!
...If matrix was here, he'd laugh too!
I've got Mad Max 2 on the pics Pete ! Remember when I said I'd kill you last ? ... I lied !!!
CHENNY !!!!!!!!!!
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